WestlawNext Patron Access Database

Through an Interlocal Agreement with the Yakima County Law Library and Yakima Valley Libraries, our patrons have access to the extensive WestlawNext Patron Access Database on a designated computer at the Yakima Central Library.

Patron Access to the Database

Using the WestlawNext Patron Access Database from a designated computer at our Yakima Central Library, Yakima Valley Libraries’ patrons have access to look up case law, state and federal statutes, administrative codes, newspaper and magazine articles, public records, law journals, law reviews, treaties, legal forms, and other information resources.

The WestlawNext Patron Access Database is only available from one computer in the Yakima Central Library during its regular business hours. You may reserve the Public WestLaw computer online here or in person.

Online Training on the Database

Online training on the WestlawNext for Patron Access database is available here.

