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    These titles were recently added to the collection of Yakima Valley Libraries

    La vegetariana

    Han, Kang, 1970- author.

    Before the nightmares began, Yeong-hye and her husband lived an ordinary, controlled life. But the dreams—invasive images of blood and brutality—torture her, driving Yeong-hye to purge her mind and renounce eating meat altogether. It’s a small act of independence, but it interrupts her marriage and sets into motion an increasingly grotesque chain of events at home. As her husband, her brother-in-law and sister each fight to reassert their control, Yeong-hye obsessively defends the choice that’s become sacred to her. Soon their attempts turn desperate, subjecting first her mind, and then her body, to ever more intrusive and perverse violations, sending Yeong-hye spiraling into a dangerous, bizarre estrangement, not only from those closest to her, but also from herself. ....

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    Amor al prójimo

    Enríquez, Gabriela, author.

    from back cover.....

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    Coelho, Paulo, author.

    Book jacket of English edition.....

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    Alpe d'Huez

    Silva Romero, Ricardo, 1975- author.

    It’s 1984 and as Lucho Herrera enters the most demanding stretch of the Tour de France, things aren’t going his way. These are the golden years of radio in Colombia, and the inseparable team of Pepe Calderón Tovar and Ismael Enrique Monroy – sports commentators who, now in their forties, are beginning to feel the strain of their professional relationship – are struggling to track their countryman’s progress while battling each other for the attention of young reporter Marisol Toledo. Added to the mix are "the Monster," Bernard Hinault, bitter at his former teammate and recent champion, "the Alien” Laurent Fignon; and the undistinguished Manfred Zondervan, crazed with the need to prove himself in what seems to be his final chance at glory. In Alpe d'Huez, Ricardo Silva Romero has a unique and compelling ability to portray the world of race cycling, especially the mind over body struggle against the fear of failure, treacherous terrain and travails of competition.....

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    Tu enemiga secreta

    Bailey, Tessa, author.

    New York Times bestselling author Tessa Bailey returns with the hilarious follow-up to Secretly Yours, in which a down-on-her-luck Napa heiress suggests a mutually beneficial marriage of convenience to a man she can't stand... only to discover there's a fine line between love and hate. After losing her job and her fiancé in one fell swoop, Natalie Vos returned home to lick her wounds. A few months later, she's sufficiently drowned her sorrows in cabernet and she's ready to get back on her feet. She just needs her trust fund to finance her new business venture. Unfortunately, the terms require she marry before she can have the money. And well, dumped, remember? But Natalie is desperate enough to propose to a man who makes her want to kill him-and kiss him, in equal measure. August Cates may own a vineyard, but he doesn't know jack about making wine. He's determined to do his late best friend proud, no matter what it takes. Except his tasting room is empty, his wine is disgusting (seriously, he once saw someone gag), and his buddy's legacy is circling the drain. No bank will give him the loan he needs to turn the business around... and then the gorgeous, feisty heiress knocks on his door. Natalie has haunted his dreams since the moment they met, but their sizzling chemistry immediately morphed into simmering insults. Now, a quickie marriage could help them both. A sham wedding, a few weeks living under the same roof, and then they can go their separate ways-assuming they make it out alive. How hard could it be? There's just one thing they didn't account for: their unfortunate, unbearable, undeniable attraction.....

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    El mar está lleno de medusas

    Carola, Paola, author.

    from publisher's website.....

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    En El Pensamiento

    Aira, César, author.

    En un lugar remoto de La Pampa argentina se encuentra El Pensamiento: un par de calles y un puñado de casas construidas alrededor de una estación ferroviaria. Dejándose llevar por los recuerdos hasta ahora olvidados, el narrador de esta historia evoca el último año que vivió en esta diminuta localidad, con siete años y justo antes de mudarse a la ciudad de Coronel Pringles con su familia. Criado en un ambiente rural, entre sirvientas, una madre tierna y un patriarca que poco a poco ha ido comprando el pueblo entero, su último año estuvo marcado por dos sucesos memorables que hicieron tambalearse la idílica paz rural de los vecinos: la llegada de un preceptor venido de la ciudad para hacerse cargo de la educación del narrador y el misterioso incidente con una locomotora desaparecida. Entre personajes que parecen sacados de una novela decimonónica, guiños proustianos y estampas pampeanas de una Argentina que quiere abrazar el progreso y el orden, Aira construye una novela de iniciación que muta y nunca es lo que aparenta ser, pero que despliega de nuevo el gran talento, el desbordante imaginario y la originalidad radical que caracterizan la obra de uno de los grandes autores de nuestro tiempo.....

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    Los vivos

    Monge, Emiliano, 1978- author.

    Mexico? It could be. But it could also be its reverse. Just as this could be the time, or any other, and the characters who they are, apart from who they were and who they will be. In these pages, filled with wonder and beauty, losses and findings, reality is an eternal doing and undoing. Vestige, whose past seems impenetrable, needs to remember in order to understand her pain; Emphasis wishes to change his relationship with others, but still cannot tolerate living in fear of them not being there; the Boy, who strikes like lightning, wants to make sense of words and things, gazing into silence and emptiness, and Lucia, chasing the tongue of the dead, wishes to unravel what lies behind presence and absence." -- Amazon.com....

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    La camarera

    Prose, Nita, author.

    Molly Gray is not like everyone else. She struggles with social skills and misreads the intentions of others. Her gran used to interpret the world for her, codifying it into simple rules that Molly could live by. Since Gran died a few months ago, twenty-five-year-old Molly has been navigating life's complexities all by herself. No matter; she throws herself with gusto into her work as a hotel maid. Her unique character, along with her obsessive love of cleaning and proper etiquette, make her an ideal fit for the job. She delights in donning her crisp uniform each morning, stocking her cart with miniature soaps and bottles, and returning guest rooms at the Regency Grand Hotel to a state of perfection. But Molly's orderly life is upended the day she enters the suite of the infamous and wealthy Charles Black, only to find it in a state of disarray and Mr. Black himself dead in his bed. Before she knows what's happening, Molly's unusual demeanor has the police targeting her as their lead suspect. She quickly finds herself caught in a web of deception, one she has no idea how to untangle. Fortunately for Molly, friends she never knew she had unite with her in a search for clues to what really happened to Mr. Black; but will they be able to find the real killer before it's too late?....

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    Los parientes pobres

    Gumucio, Rafael, 1970- author.

    A hilarious x-ray of the Latin American upper classes. In his long-awaited new novel, Rafael Gumucio confirms his incomparable mastery and surprises us again with the hilarious portrait of a family that must deal with the unusual fact that the elderly father of one and the elderly mother of the other, siblings who are also crazy and are admitted to the same nursing home, have fallen in love. A portrait of Latin American endogamous society and the eccentricity of its wealthy classes, Los relantes pobres is a detailed investigation: while the children discuss among themselves what to do with their parents, the family's dirty laundry comes to light in a kind of Pandora's box from which no one emerges unscathed.....

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    9 de Noviembre

    Hoover, Colleen, author.

    "Ben y Fallon se conocen por casualidad un 9 de noviembre cuando sus vidas est̀n cambiando. Ella est̀ a punto de instalarse en Nueva York para perseguir su suęo de convertirse en actriz de teatro, y Ben quiere ser escritor. Pasan el d̕a juntos, pero la intensidad de lo que comparten los lleva a fijar una cita anual: cada 9 de noviembre, durante los pr̤ximos cinco ąos, se volver̀n a ver. Una cita para revivirlo todo. Una cita para entenderlo todo. Y desafiar lo imposible... Tal vez no me creas, pero lo ︢nico que quiero es que seas feliz. Es lo que he querido siempre, y hař lo que haga falta para conseguirlo, aunque para ello sea necesario que me olvides."--Back cover.....

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    El cementerio de los cuentos sin contar

    Alvarez, Julia, author.

    Alma Cruz, the celebrated writer at the heart of The Cemetery of Untold Stories, doesn’t want to end up like her friend, a novelist who fought so long and hard to finish a book that it threatened her sanity. So when Alma inherits a small plot of land in the Dominican Republic, her homeland, she has the beautiful idea of turning it into a place to bury her untold stories—literally. She creates a graveyard for the manuscript drafts and the characters whose lives she tried and failed to bring to life and who still haunt her. Alma wants her characters to rest in peace. But they have other ideas and soon begin to defy their author: they talk back to her and talk to one another behind her back, rewriting and revising themselves. Filomena, a local woman hired as the groundskeeper, becomes a sympathetic listener to the secret tales unspooled by Alma's characters. Among them, Bienvenida, dictator Rafael Trujillo's abandoned wife who was erased from the official history, and Manuel Cruz, a doctor who fought in the Dominican underground and escaped to the United States. The Cemetery of Untold Stories asks: Whose stories get to be told, and whose buried? Finally, Alma finds the meaning she and her characters yearn for in the everlasting vitality of stories. Julia Alvarez reminds us that the stories of our lives are never truly finished, even at the end.....

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    Mesa, Gilmer, 1978- author.

    Suena el teléfono temprano con la urgencia de las malas noticias, y el narrador escucha a su hermano anunciar que su padre está infartado de camino al hospital. El hombre, admirado y amado por su hijo, había ido perdiendo la cabeza a manos de la ingrata vejez, y ese olvido y esa mirada extraviada despiertan en el protagonista la necesidad de contar la historia de ese trabajador humilde. Historia que no se puede contar sin la del barrio que los vio crecer a Gilmer y a sus hermanos, y la de sus habitantes que lograron eludir la fatal cuadra y sus improbables devenires, tan cargados de realidad colombiana como ningún otro. Aranjuez se convierte así en el escenario de vidas complejas a las que la mirada sensible de Mesa dota de dignidad y esplendor, en la medida en que nos comparte el dolor profundo del hijo que observa los desvaríos de su padre.....

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