Libro en CD

    Estos títulos se agregaron recientemente a la colección de las Bibliotecas del Valle de Yakima.

    The comfort of ghosts [audiobook]

    Winspear, Jacqueline, 1955- autor.

    Londres, 1945: Cuatro adolescentes huérfanos con una oscura historia de guerra ocupan una mansión vacía en Belgravia, cuyos propietarios huyeron de Londres bajo los intensos bombardeos de la Luftwaffe. Poco después de que un soldado británico desmovilizado, enfermo y aturdido por sus experiencias en el extranjero, se refugia con el grupo, Maisie Dobbs visita la mansión en nombre de los propietarios. Maisie está profundamente desconcertada por la reticencia de los niños. Sus historias son evasivas y, lo que es más misterioso, parecen poseer habilidades de autodefensa que podrían esperarse de adultos entrenados en tiempos de guerra. Su búsqueda para brindar consuelo y la promesa de un futuro a los jóvenes y al soldado enfermo saca a la luz un misterio de décadas de antigüedad sobre el primer marido de Maisie, James Compton, quien murió mientras pilotaba un avión experimental. Mientras Maisie separa los hilos de la vida de su difunto marido, se ve obligada a examinar su propio pasado doloroso y cuestionar creencias que siempre ha aceptado como ciertas. La galardonada serie Maisie Dobbs ha conseguido cientos de miles de seguidores en todo el mundo, lectores que se sienten atraídos por una mujer que es de su tiempo, pero familiar en el nuestro, y que inspira con su resiliencia y capacidad de resistencia en el peor de los casos. de tiempos. Esta tarea final que ella misma eligió no sólo abre un nuevo futuro para Maisie Dobbs y su familia, sino que también sirve como un retrato fascinante de los desafíos que enfrenta el pueblo de Gran Bretaña al final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.....

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    A messy murder [audiobook]

    Brett, Simon, author, narrator.

    Professional declutterer Ellen Curtis doesn't need to like her clients to help them sort their homes out. Aging TV personality and curmudgeon Humphrey Carter might have a chip on his shoulder the size of England about the decline of his career, but a job's a job. But when Ellen arrives the morning after Humph's eightieth birthday party, primed and ready to tackle his study - no matter his protests - she gets the shock of her life. Humph's dead . . . and all signs point to him having taken his own life. Did the egotistical chat show host really die by suicide? His wife is adamant he's been murdered, and the more Ellen looks, the more dirt on Humph she digs up . . . and the more suspects she uncovers. Can she track down a killer - if there even is one? And, just as importantly, can she keep herself from killing not only her own infuriating mother, but also her two grown-up children, who all seem determined to destroy her peace of mind?....

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    Desperation reef [audiobook]

    Parker, T. Jefferson, autor.

    Jen Stonebreaker hasn't entered into a big-wave surfing competition since witnessing her husband's tragic death twenty-five years ago at the Monsters of the Mavericks. Now, Jen is ready to tackle those same Monsters with her twin sons Casey and Brock, who have become competitive surfers in a perilous sport. When he's not riding waves, modeling for surfing magazines, or posting viral content for his many fans, Casey Stonebreaker spends his days helping with the family restaurant, catching fish in the morning and bartending at night. Casey's love for the ocean and his willingness to expose illegal poachers on his platforms puts him on a collision course with a crime syndicate eager to destroy anyone threatening their business. Outspoken Brock Stonebreaker couldn't be more different from his twin. The founder of Breath of Life, a church and rescue mission that assists with natural disasters that no one else will touch, Brock has lived an adventurous and sometimes violent life. Not everyone appreciates the work that Brock's Breath of Life mission accomplishes, and threats to destroy his mission, and his family, swirl around him. As the big-wave contest draws closer, a huge, late fall swell is headed toward the Pacific coastline. Jen's fears gnaw at her, fear for herself, for her sons, for what this competition will mean for the rest of her life.....

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    Challenger [audiobook] : a true story of heroism and disaster on the edge of space

    Higginbotham, Adam, author.

    On January 28, 1986, just seventy-three seconds into flight, the space shuttle Challenger broke apart over the Atlantic Ocean, killing all seven people on board. Millions of Americans witnessed the tragic deaths of the crew, which included New Hampshire schoolteacher Christa McAuliffe. Like the assassination of JFK, the Challenger disaster is a defining moment in twentieth-century history—one that forever changed the way America thought of itself and its optimistic view of the future. Yet the full story of what happened, and why, has never been told. Based on extensive archival research and metic­ulous, original reporting, Challenger: A True Story of Heroism and Disaster on the Edge of Space follows a handful of central protagonists—including each of the seven members of the doomed crew—through the years leading up to the accident, and offers a detailed account of the tragedy itself and the inves­tigation afterward. It’s a compelling tale of ambition and ingenuity undermined by political cynicism and cost-cutting in the interests of burnishing national prestige; of hubris and heroism; and of an investigation driven by leakers and whistleblowers determined to bring the truth to light. Throughout, there are the ominous warning signs of a tragedy to come, recognized but then ignored, and later hidden from the public. Higginbotham reveals the history of the shuttle program and the lives of men and women whose stories have been overshadowed by the disaster, as well as the designers, engineers, and test pilots who struggled against the odds to get the first shuttle into space. A masterful blend of riveting human drama and fascinating and absorbing science, Challenger identifies a turning point in history—and brings to life an even more complex and astonishing story than we remember.....

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    A bloom in winter [audiobook]

    Ward, J. R., 1969- author.

    Nothing warms a cold heart like true love, and in this newest Black Dagger Brotherhood winter book, a fighter who has never been a savior finds himself falling in love — and trying to rescue — a male who’s lost all hope. With the BDB training center reopening, and the Brothers looking to add more soldiers in the war against the Lessening Society, fan favorite Callum decides to find his purpose in fighting. Apex knows what suffering the male has survived, and he joins the program just to make sure Callum doesn’t get himself killed. As the two hit the streets, and the danger gets real, Callum must decide whether he can open himself up to love or if he will give in to his inner darkness and spiral down into an abyss of hatred and death... forever.....

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    Somewhere beyond the sea [audiobook]

    Klune, TJ, autor.

    A magical house. A secret past. A summons that could change everything. Arthur Parnassus lives a good life built on the ashes of a bad one. He's the headmaster of a strange orphanage on a distant and peculiar island, and he hopes to soon be the adoptive father to the six dangerous and magical children who live there. Arthur works hard and loves with his whole heart so none of the children ever feel the neglect and pain that he once felt as an orphan on that very same island so long ago. He is not alone: joining him is the love of his life, Linus Baker, a former caseworker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. And there's the island's sprite, Zoe Chapelwhite, and her girlfriend, Mayor Helen Webb. Together, they will do anything to protect the children. But when Arthur is summoned to make a public statement about his dark past, he finds himself at the helm of a fight for the future that his family, and all magical people, deserve. And when a new magical child hopes to join them on their island home, one who finds power in calling himself monster, a name that Arthur worked so hard to protect his children from, Arthur knows they're at a breaking point: their family will either grow stronger than ever or fall apart. Welcome back to Marsyas Island. This is Arthur's story.....

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    Lies he told me [audiobook]

    Patterson, James, 1947- autor.

    An attorney and mother of two discovers her husband's secret life-and it might cost them all their lives. Everyone in Hemingway Grove, Illinois, knows David and Marcie Bowers. David owns the local pub. Marcie is a former big-city lawyer who practices family law. When David jumps into Cotton River to save a drowning stranger, he's celebrated as a hero. His muscled physique, shaved head, and piercing blue eyes are broadcast on every news outlet. For most people, newfound fame is a lifeline. For David Bowers, it's a death sentence. For Marcie Bowers, it's a test. A wife knows the difference between a loving husband and father and a cold-blooded assassin. Right?....

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    An insignificant case [audiobook] : a thriller

    Margolin, Phillip, author.

    Charlie Webb is a third rate lawyer who graduated from a third rate law-school and, because he couldn't get hired by any of the major law firms, has opened his own law firm, where he gets by handling cases for dubious associates from his youth and some court appointed cases. Described as "a leaky boat floating down the stream of life," Charlie has led unremarkable life, personally and professionally. Until he's appointed to be the attorney for a decidedly crackpot artist who calls himself Guido Sabatini (born Lawrence Weiss). Sabatini has been arrested, again, for breaking into a restaurant and stealing back a painting he sold them because he was insulted by where it was displayed. But as Lawrence Weiss, he's also an accomplished card shark and burglar and while he was there, he stole a thumb drive from the owner's safe. Not knowing what else Sabatani has stolen, Webb negotiates the return of the painting and "other items' for the owner dropping charges against Sabatini. But the contents of the flash drive threatens very powerful figures who are determined to retrieve it, the restaurant owner (Gretchen Hall) and her driver (Yuri Makarov) are being investigated for the sex trafficking of minors, and there are others who have a violent grudge against Sabatini. When a minor theft case becomes a double homicide, and even more, Charlie Webb, an insignificant lawyer assigned to an insignificant case, is faced with the most important, and deadliest, case of his life.....

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    Identity unknown [audiobook]

    Cornwell, Patricia Daniels, autora.

    Autopsies can reveal the secrets of the dead. And this victim is sending Scarpetta a message...Summoned to an unnerving, abandoned theme park to retrieve a body, Dr. Kay Scarpetta is devastated to learn that the victim is a man she once loved. While teaching in Rome during the early days of her career, Scarpetta had an intense love affair with Sal Giordano that led to a lifelong friendship. The murder scene is bizarre, with a crop circle of petals around the body, and Giordano's skin is strangely red. Scarpetta's niece Lucy believes he was dropped from an unidentified flying craft. Scarpetta knows an autopsy can reveal the dead's secrets, but she is shocked to find her friend seems to have deliberately left her a clue. As the investigators are torn between suspicions of otherworldly forces, and of Giordano himself, Scarpetta detects an explanation closer to home that, in her mind, is far more evil.....

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    By any other name [audiobook] : a novel

    Picoult, Jodi, 1966- author, narrator.

    As an undergraduate, Melina Green had a rare opportunity to have one of her first plays judged by famous theater critic Jasper Tolle, only to be publicly humiliated by a harsh and biased critique. Ten years later, her confidence as a playwright has never recovered, although she has just completed a work that she thinks is her best yet. It is based on the life of her ancestor Emilia Bassano, the first published female poet in England - and rumored to be the "Dark Lady" of Shakespeare's sonnets - but whom some scholars suspect may be the real author of a number of his plays. Melina wonders if she dares risk failure again, and then her best friend takes the decision out of her hands and submits it to a festival under a male pseudonym. In 1581, the young orphan Emilia Bassano is being raised in the ways of English aristocracy by the Baron Willoughby and his sister. Her lessons on languages, reading, and writing have endowed her with a sharp wit and a gift for storytelling. But like most women of her day, she has no control over her fate, and is ripped from her old life and forced to become a courtesan to Lord Hunsdon, a man knighted by Queen Elizabeth as the Lord Chamberlain in charge of all theater in London. Though she has no other freedoms, and inspired by the work of the most brilliant playwrights of the time, she pseudonymously sets her own pen to paper to tell a story. Told in dual intertwining timelines, this sweeping tale of ambition, courage, and desire centers two women who are determined to create something beautiful despite the prejudices they face. As Emilia alters the course of her life and therefore the course of the world, she blazes a trail. Centuries later, will Melina face the same terrible fate - to have her work celebrated, but only at the price of letting another take credit?....

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    Resurrection [audiobook] : a novel

    Acero, Danielle, autor.

    Darcy Gray es una influyente exitosa con su blog, The Grey Zone, en el que confían más de un millón de seguidores por su integridad y buen gusto. A sus cuarenta y dos años, tiene la vida que desea en muchos sentidos. Darcy y su marido, el magnate de los grandes almacenes Charles Gray, son una pareja poderosa en Manhattan y en el escenario internacional. Sus queridas hijas gemelas están disfrutando de su tercer año en el extranjero: Penny en Hong Kong y Zoe en la Sorbona de París. Para celebrar veinte años de matrimonio, Darcy vuela impulsivamente a Roma para sorprender a Charlie, que atiende sus intereses comerciales allí. En cambio, recibe el shock de su vida, que trastorna todo su mundo. Aún aturdido, Darcy huye a París para ver a Zoe. Pero una crisis sanitaria mundial que aumenta rápidamente la obliga a permanecer indefinidamente en Francia. De repente, empujada a una zona gris propia, su separación forzada de Zoe y el resto de su familia parece demasiado para soportar. . .Hasta que Darcy encuentra un refugio acogedor en la casa de la anciana estrella de cine francesa Sybille Carton. Allí conoce a un ingeniero estadounidense viudo y ex marine que también está varado. Bill Thompson es amable y cortés, pero también tiene un aire de misterio. En este confinamiento compartido, y a pesar de las preocupaciones por sus hijas, Darcy comienza a vislumbrar nuevas posibilidades.....

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    Be ready when the luck happens [audiobook] : a memoir

    Garten, Ina, author, narrator.

    Here, for the first time, Ina Garten presents an intimate, entertaining, and inspiring account of her remarkable journey. Ina's gift is to make everything look easy, yet all her accomplishments have been the result of hard work, audacious choices, and exquisite attention to detail. In her unmistakable voice (no one tells a story like Ina), she brings her past and her process to life in a high-spirited and no-holds-barred memoir that chronicles decades of personal challenges, adventures (and misadventures) and unexpected career twists, all delivered with her signature combination of playfulness and purpose. From a difficult childhood to meeting the love of her life, Jeffrey, and marrying him while still in college, from a boring bureaucratic job in Washington, D.C., to answering an ad for a specialty food store in the Hamptons, from the owner of one Barefoot Contessa shop to author of bestselling cookbooks and celebrated television host, Ina has blazed her own trail and, in the meantime, taught millions of people how to cook and entertain. Now, she invites them to come closer to experience her story in vivid detail and to share the important life lessons she learned along the way: do what you love because if you love it you'll be really good at it, swing for the fences, and always Be Ready When the Luck Happens.....

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    Joy [audiobook] : a novel

    Acero, Danielle, autor.

    Cuando Allegra Dixon tiene sólo seis años, su madre, amante de las fiestas, se marcha sin siquiera despedirse. Su padre, un oficial militar emocionalmente distante, tampoco puede (o no quiere) cuidar de ella. Enviada a vivir como un fantasma en el triste hogar de sus abuelos, Allegra encuentra su único consuelo en una huida a través de los libros. Mientras asiste a un internado, la vida finalmente da un giro cuando conoce a un joven y apuesto cadete de West Point llamado Shep Williams. Pronto su amistad florece en algo más y se enamoran profundamente. Después de la universidad, Allegra se ha establecido como editora de libros y Shep está ascendiendo en las filas del ejército. Pero de repente Shep recibe un destino en Afganistán y deciden casarse antes de que él se vaya. Entre sus despliegues, se aferran a sus breves y tensos momentos juntos. Cada vez que él se va, Shep promete que las separaciones pronto llegarán a su fin. Pero pronto Allegra se da cuenta de que los horrores de la guerra han comenzado a transformar a su marido en un hombre al que ya no reconoce. El trauma que ha vivido resulta ser demasiado angustioso y Allegra se sentirá nuevamente completamente sola justo cuando creía que finalmente había encontrado la felicidad. En su nueva novela, Danielle Steel cuenta la inolvidable historia de una mujer que se niega a rendirse hasta encontrar la alegría que se merece...

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    The house of Cross [audiobook]

    Patterson, James, 1947- autor.

    In Washington, DC, the president-elect is planning her inauguration. The list of Supreme Court candidates is highly confidential — until it becomes evidence in Detective Alex Cross’s toughest investigation. One candidate is gunned down. A second is stabbed. A third is murdered near midnight on a city street. Cross is the FBI’s top expert in criminal behavior, but while leading the investigation, Cross's wife Bree and partner John Sampson vanish. For the sake of his family, his city, and his country, he must put himself in the most dangerous place there is: inside the mind of a diabolical killer. ....

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    Counting miracles [audiobook] : a novel

    Chispas, Nicholas, autor.

    Tanner Hughes fue criado por sus abuelos, siguiendo los pasos militares de su abuelo para convertirse en un Ranger del ejército. Toda su vida ha transcurrido en el extranjero, y es el proverbial Rolling Stone: más feliz cuando se va en su próxima aventura, cero deseos de establecerse. Pero cuando su abuela fallece, sus últimas palabras para él son "encuentra tu lugar". También le suelta una bomba, diciéndole el nombre del padre que nunca conoció y dónde encontrarlo. Tanner debe llegar a su próximo destino pronto, pero su curiosidad se despierta y se dirige a Asheboro, Carolina del Norte, para preguntar por ahí. Lleva menos de veinticuatro horas en la ciudad cuando conoce a Kaitlyn Cooper, una doctora y madre soltera. Ambos sienten una conexión inmediata; Tanner sabe que Kaitlyn tiene una historia que contar y quiere escucharla. Para Kaitlyn, Tanner es misterioso, emocionante y posiblemente se vaya en unas pocas semanas. Mientras tanto, cerca, Jasper, de ochenta y tres años, vive solo en una cabaña que bordea un bosque nacional. Con solo su viejo perro, Arlo, como compañía, vive tranquilamente, atormentado por un trágico accidente que tuvo lugar décadas atrás. Cuando escucha rumores de que se ha avistado un ciervo blanco en el bosque, una criatura legendaria que inspiró a su padre y a su abuelo, se obsesiona con proteger al ciervo de los cazadores furtivos. A medida que los destinos de estos personajes se acercan, ninguno de ellos espera un milagro... pero eso puede ser exactamente lo que está a punto de alterar sus futuros para siempre...

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