The Yakima Valley Library system, specifically the Toppenish Library, was the only metaphorical sports field I ever felt safe participating in, on, or at. The summer reading program, in the years 1990-1997, held an opportunity where I was freely allowed to express my learning in the summertime! Fifteen-minute chunks of reading bringing me closer to stickers?! I was all in. Some might think a sticker is a tiny reward or not something to work toward yet those stickers were better than crisp bills to me. Those holographic stickers were my currency of joy – from ages seven through thirteen!
School on the Yakama reservation felt oppressive, it was oppressive as bullying was rampant and we were mocked if we valued learning by hearing the constant commentary of, “stuck up/school girl” in the air, but the public library was a place where I could authentically and athletically shine in the most glorious of introverted ways – as a reader – and I earned the only trophies I had ever earned in my youth! Instead of sweating and bleeding on a gymnasium floor in my childhood, breaking my body down, my mind was nurtured and expanded as I read voraciously, building my senses up. I became addicted to books, and a book collector soon after, while I stopped checking-out books in favor of buying them, I never forgot about their magic, I created my own library! Currently, when I nanny or tutor and summer arrives, I take children to the local YVL to participate, and I call my family, off the reservation, to remind them to participate in the areas where they now reside. The library is magical, it is pure and simple. The library is a magical space, and it helps facilitate and build creative mind-athletes! I would not be me without the library in Toppenish, and the awards I was given to honor the athleticism my mind held! While I do appreciate the library at all times, in summer months- I am most reminded of the magic it holds…. and don’t worry, I remind EVERYONE around me! 🙂 |