Your YVL Story Submission

    How has the Library been a place for you to learn, explore, and be creative? Share your #YakimaValleyLibraries story with us for a chance to win weekly prizes and a grand prize.

    Participants are invited to share a story about how they use Yakima Valley Libraries. This could include:

    • Finding a favorite book
    • Using the library’s digital resources
    • Attending a program
    • Learning a new skill

    Everyone has a unique YVL story to share!

    We will have a weekly swag winner and a grand prize winner at the end of the contest. You can enter the contest through April 30. The grand prize winner will be announced May 1.

    Grand Prize – $250 Target Gift Card

    Your YVL Story Submission

    • Please add your name in the way you would like to it appear on YVL’s website and social media.
    • Please provide your email if you are interested in entering the prize drawing.
    • Max. file size: 64 MB.
      Do you have an image to bring your story to life? Upload it here.

